Posted: April 2, 2020
East End Neighbors– Please see the notice below from Thacher School: We hope this note finds you and your family healthy and well during these trying times. You may know we have closed our campus which includes the gym, dining hall, student commons, fitness center, pool, running track, all horse facilities, and our football field …

Posted: March 13, 2020
We regret that given directives discouraging public gatherings, tomorrow’s East End Pie Walk event has been canceled. We’ll either reschedule the Pie Walk or plan another East End social event for a future date. Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to another opportunity to come together soon.

Posted: March 12, 2020
Thanks to many of you who have responded that you will be joining your friends and neighbors for Pi(e) Walk this Saturday, March 16th beginning at 8:30 am per the invitation below. If you have yet to do so and would like to attend, please RSVP with the number of people to: [email protected]. Hope to …

Posted: March 2, 2020
Dear East End Neighbors– As you know, more cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus are being confirmed in the United States including cases contracted through community contact. No contracted case of COVID-19 in Ventura County has yet been confirmed, but it has been detected in other California communities, so our East End should be prepared if it surfaces in the …

Posted: February 18, 2020
Mark your calendars for our annual East End Pi(e) walk on Saturday, March 14th, 8:30 am until 11:30 am. Details to follow!

Posted: October 23, 2019
East End Neighbors– This afternoon East End residents were notified by VC Alert that due to weather related elevated fire risk, Southern California Edison may initiate preventative power shut offs in the East End within fewer than 24 hours that may last throughout the duration of the fire weather event. If you haven’t already done …

Posted: February 23, 2019

Posted: January 15, 2019
East End Neighbors– The current rain storm is expected to continue through Thursday. Parts of the the East End and the greater Ojai Valley could be subject to flooding and mudslides. This afternoon East End residents received notice via VCAlert of a Voluntary Evacuation Order from Ventura County. If you haven’t already done so, we strongly urge you to go to Ventura County’s emergency …

Posted: December 12, 2018
Dear East End Neighbors— It has been a year since the Thomas Fire devastated many communities in Ventura County and sparked the formation of the East End Neighborhood Association (“EENA”). EENA’s mission is focused on neighborhood emergency preparedness in the event of a natural disaster as well as facilitating a close knit and neighborly East …

Posted: July 3, 2018
Dear East End Neighbors– Thanks to many of you who participated in our community meeting last Wednesday, June 27th, primarily focused on the development of an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the East End so we’re more effectively able to respond as a community to natural disasters. You can view a presentation here outlining the topics discussed at the …

Posted: June 5, 2018
Dear East End neighbors— We’ve been working to move EENA’s mission forward and are hosting a community meeting on Wednesday, June 27th beginning at 7 pm at Monica Ros School to present a draft emergency preparedness and response plan for the East End. Here’s an update on our progress and further details about the community meeting: As a reminder, the importance …

Posted: March 19, 2018
East End Neighbors– You’re probably aware by now that a severe rain storm is expected to begin tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon and continue through Thursday evening. Parts of the the East End and the greater Ojai Valley could be subject to flooding and mudslides. This afternoon Ventura County issued a Voluntary Evacuation Order for the East End beginning tomorrow at …

Posted: February 4, 2018
Dear East End Neighbors, This is an update on progress since the December 17th East End community meeting at Monica Ros School that convened in the aftermath of the Thomas Fire. You are receiving this update either because you provided your email at the meeting or your email subsequently was provided by a friend or neighbor so …

Posted: December 17, 2017
East End Community Meeting Notes December 17, 2017 The organizers sincerely thank everyone who attended this meeting, together with our generous hosts and our speakers. Below you will find a summary of information collected at the meeting. At the end is a recommendation that emerged from the gathering to form an East End Neighborhood Association, …